When and How to Use a Sunburst Chart

September 16, 2024
A sunburst chart offers a clear way to visualize hierarchical data structures through concentric rings, making complex relationships easy to understand. This guide will show you when and how to use sunburst charts effectively, explore their benefits, and provide step-by-step instructions for creating them.
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Key Takeaways

  • Sunburst charts effectively visualize hierarchical data through concentric rings, depicting relationships and proportions among categories with distinct colors.
  • They offer significant advantages over traditional pie charts by clarifying hierarchical relationships, enabling multi-level data representation, and enhancing visual appeal. In a multi-level chart, the outer rings relate to the inner rings, illustrating the hierarchical connections within the data.
  • Creating sunburst charts can be accomplished easily using Excel or online tools, with key steps including data preparation, chart insertion, and customization for better clarity and engagement.

What is a Sunburst Chart?

Understanding Sunburst Charts

Sunburst charts, also known as multi-level pie charts or ring charts, are a type of hierarchical chart that visualizes data using concentric rings. At the center of a sunburst chart is the root node, representing the primary category or the overarching parent node. Surrounding this root node are multiple rings, each representing a different level in the hierarchy, extending outward from the center. This structure allows for an intuitive understanding of hierarchical relationships within the data.

One of the most striking features of sunburst charts is their use of distinct colors to differentiate between various segments. Each ring, or level in the hierarchy, is divided into segments that represent sub-categories or child nodes. The visual differentiation provided by these colors helps in quickly identifying and understanding the relationships and proportions among different categories.

Unlike traditional pie charts, which can become cluttered and difficult to read when representing multiple categories, sunburst charts elegantly combine several pie charts into one cohesive visual. This makes them an invaluable tool for visualizing hierarchical data structures, providing a clear and comprehensive view of complex data at a glance.

Benefits of Using Sunburst Charts

How to Use a Sunburst Chart

Sunburst charts offer numerous benefits over traditional pie charts, especially when dealing with hierarchical data. They emerged as an adaptation of pie charts, often referred to as multi-level pies or nested pie charts. One of the primary advantages is their ability to handle multi level pie chart data more effectively than regular pie charts. Sunburst charts enhance efficiency and clarity by integrating the functionality of multiple pie charts into a single visual.

These charts allow for the visualization of multiple sets of categories simultaneously, making them particularly useful for complex data sets. They enhance understanding by depicting multiple dimensions of data in a single view, which is often challenging with traditional pie charts. Proportional representation and distinct colors highlight key points and enhance visual appeal.

Clarity in Hierarchical Relationships

One of the standout features of sunburst charts is their ability to clarify hierarchical relationships within data. The concentric layout visually differentiates parent and child relationships, making it easier to comprehend the interconnections within the data, as the outer rings relate to the inner rings, illustrating the hierarchical connections. For instance, the root node at the center represents the highest level in the hierarchy, and as you move outward, each ring chart represents a deeper level, effectively visualizing hierarchical data structures.

However, it is crucial to maintain a balance in the number of segments included in the chart. While sunburst diagrams can incorporate many segments, too many can obscure key insights and make interpretation difficult.

Clear and distinct colors for different levels ensure that the chart remains informative and visually appealing, aiding accurate data interpretation.

Multi-Level Data Representation

Sunburst charts excel at representing data that spans multiple hierarchical levels in a single visual format. This capability allows for a comprehensive view of the hierarchy, showcasing various data levels within one graphic.

Sunburst charts offer a detailed and holistic view of complex hierarchies, making them invaluable for data analysts and decision-makers. The sunburst diagram is particularly effective in visualizing these relationships.

Creating a Sunburst Chart in Excel

Creating a sunburst chart in Excel is a straightforward process that involves a few key steps. First, you’ll need to prepare your data, ensuring that it is organized in a way that Excel can interpret correctly.

Next, you’ll insert the sunburst chart using Excel’s built-in charting tools. Finally, you’ll customize the chart to enhance its visual appeal and readability.

Preparing Your Data

The first step in creating a sunburst chart in Excel is to select the data to be displayed. Ensure that your data is organized correctly, with the leftmost column representing the largest groups or branches in the hierarchy. This setup helps Excel understand the hierarchical relationships within your data. Reorganize the data if necessary to ensure effective visualization.

Additionally, type the parent node’s data on the far left and add proportions in the last column if there are no numbers. This preparation step is crucial as it simplifies the production process of the sunburst chart and ensures that all levels and contents are accurately represented.

Inserting the Sunburst Chart

To insert a sunburst chart in Excel, click on the Insert tab, then select Insert Hierarchy Chart, and choose Sunburst. Alternatively, you can find the sunburst chart option under the All Charts tab in the Recommended Charts section. After selecting the sunburst chart, your worksheet will display an area chart representing your data.

Hovering the mouse over different segments of the sunburst chart will provide tooltip information about each group, allowing you to glean insights quickly. Clicking on a blank area of the chart highlights the chart border, enabling editing features that allow further customization.

Customizing Your Chart

Customization is key to making your sunburst chart both informative and visually appealing. Excel’s Chart Tools, including the Design and Format tabs, offer various options for personalizing your chart.

Utilizing these tools allows you to enhance the visual appeal of your sunburst chart by adjusting colors, themes, and other design elements, ensuring that your data is presented in the clearest and most engaging way possible.

Check out this step by step tutorial on YouTube for more information.

Practical Examples of Sunburst Charts

Sunburst charts are not just a theoretical concept; they have practical applications that make them invaluable in various fields. Their ability to efficiently display hierarchical data makes complex structures easier to comprehend and more engaging in presentations.

Visualizing Company Structures

Sunburst charts can effectively demonstrate the hierarchical structure of group companies, illustrating relationships between headquarters, branches, and subsidiaries. The inner circle represents the main corporate units such as headquarters and branches, while the outer sections reveal secondary units corresponding to these main units.

This structure can be modified to accommodate multiple levels of units, providing flexibility in representing various organizational hierarchies. By visualizing hierarchical data structures, sunburst charts offer a clear and comprehensive view of a company’s organizational setup.

Industry Analysis

Sunburst charts are also valuable in industry analysis, representing an industry chain and the relationships within an enterprise group. They illustrate how various entities in an industry are connected, showcasing both structural and value attributes.

This comprehensive view helps in understanding the complex interconnections within an industry, enhancing strategic decision-making.

Advanced Customization Techniques

Advanced customization techniques are essential for enhancing the effectiveness and clarity of sunburst charts. By adding chart elements such as labels and legends, and formatting the outer rings, you can significantly improve the interpretability and visual appeal of your charts.

Adding Chart Elements

Incorporating elements like labels and legends into your sunburst charts can greatly enhance data interpretation and visual clarity. These elements help provide context and reduce the risk of misinterpretation. Accessing the Chart Elements menu in your chart settings allows you to select options like titles and legends for a better understanding of the data.

Manipulating data labels and modifying color schemes are advanced techniques that further enhance the visual impact of sunburst charts. These enhancements make it easier to convey complex information clearly and effectively.

Formatting Outer Rings

Data accuracy is crucial when formatting the outer rings of sunburst charts. Misleading representations can occur from inaccurate data, affecting the integrity of the chart. Ensuring data accuracy before visualizing sunburst charts is essential to prevent errors and enhance the overall appearance and effectiveness of the outer rings.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common mistakes in creating sunburst charts can compromise effectiveness. Assess if a sunburst chart is the best fit for your data and consider alternatives for unclear hierarchies.

Avoiding an excessive number of layers or categories is crucial to maintaining clarity.

Overloading Data

Starting with a simple hierarchy in a sunburst chart can help prevent confusion and make the visualization more effective. Overloading the chart with too much data can obscure key insights, so it’s essential to strike a balance between detail and simplicity.

Misinterpreting Data

Accurate representation of hierarchical data is vital; misinterpretation can occur if the structure isn’t clear. Reviewing and validating data thoroughly before creating the chart helps prevent assumptions based solely on visual proximity and ensures a more accurate and informative visualization.


Sunburst charts are powerful tools for visualizing hierarchical data, offering clarity and efficiency that traditional pie charts cannot match. By understanding their structure, benefits, and how to create and customize them using various tools, you can leverage these charts to enhance your data presentations. Remember, avoiding common mistakes and utilizing advanced customization techniques will further improve the effectiveness of your sunburst charts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a sunburst chart?

A sunburst chart is a hierarchical visualization that utilizes concentric rings to display different levels of a data hierarchy, with the innermost circle indicating the root node. This format effectively represents complex data relationships in a clear and structured manner.

How do sunburst charts differ from pie charts?

Sunburst charts are superior to pie charts for representing multi-level data through concentric rings, allowing for a clearer visualization of complex hierarchies. This makes them more effective for showcasing intricate data structures.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when creating a sunburst chart?

To create an effective sunburst chart, avoid overloading it with excessive segments and ensure accurate representation of hierarchical data. Starting with a simple hierarchy and validating your data are crucial for clarity and accuracy.

Can I create sunburst charts using online tools?

You can indeed create sunburst charts using online tools like EdrawMind and InetSoft, which provide user-friendly interfaces and customization options for effective data visualization.

What are the benefits of using sunburst charts?

Sunburst charts provide clear visualization of hierarchical relationships, allowing for effective multi-level data representation. Their use of color and structure enhances understanding of complex data sets.

Andrew Chen
Founder of Explo

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