2023 Guide to Customer-facing Analytics

10 Pages

Learn how you can evolve your SaaS offering by embedding analytics for your customer end-users.

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A guide crafted for founders, product leaders, and engineering teams looking for a solution to visualize and share data with their users.

Questions answered by this guide include:


What do I need to consider to deliver effective customer-facing analytics?


What are some high value use cases (dashboards) I can provide to my customers?


What questions should I ask a potential embedded analytics vendor?


How can I measure the ROI of an embedded analytics solution?

Companies using principles discussed in this guide:
Templates Graphic

What is covered in this guide?

Why do SaaS companies use embedded analytics?
How do SaaS companies use embedded analytics?
Buy or build embedded analytics?

Evaluation criteria
What questions should you ask a potential vendor?
How do you measure ROI for embedded analytics?

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